What Mamas Really Want for Mother’s Day

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Samantha Flores

May is the month that we celebrate all the mamas; expecting mamas, new mamas, veteran mamas, working mamas, stay-at-home mamas, work-from-home mamas, and all the mamas in between! So, to all you mamas- Happy Mother’s Day!

Regardless of which chapter of motherhood you are currently in, all moms seem to want a little something different for their Mother’s Day.

Recently, I asked my mommy followers on Instagram what they wanted for Mother’s Day. I giggled at a few of the responses while also agreeing with a couple of other responses. But what I found was I didn’t receive answers about wanting the latest purse or hippest heels or brightest dresses. The responses I received were heartfelt and genuine.

While it is nice to have the traditional Mother’s Day brunch and/or dinners, what is it that moms really want for Mother’s Day this year?

What Mamas Really Want for Mother's Day

1. Engraved Jewelry

A sentimental gift that moms enjoy wearing is a piece of jewelry with their child(ren)’s name engraved on it! While this piece of jewelry can be a ring, a necklace, or even a bracelet, one thing is for certain; we mamas like to carry our babies close with us at all time.

2. Cleaning Service

This one made me chuckle, but I also wasn’t mad at the idea of having someone come in and clean our home! What better way to relax than to come home to a deep cleaned home?

While we mamas may do the majority of the cleaning during the week, does it really ever seem like the cleaning ends?! Especially if you are only able to clean when you have the kiddo(s) around?

Recently, I tried mopping our bathroom floor while my toddler was home. A task that should have taken 20 minutes at most ended up taking a good 45 minutes to complete. Did you know that trying to clean with a toddler is like trying to brush your teeth while eating Oreos? That’s right… it’s impossible! Being able to step out of the house and let a professional do the cleaning for you lickety split would be a dream come true!

3. Sleeping In

Since this like NEVER happens in a mama’s life, I have to say I was not shocked to see this answer come up. Mom life is constantly busy and no matter how many hours of sleep you try to get, it just never seems like enough. Especially when your little one wants your attention first thing in the morning. Honestly, I can’t help but to love those snuggles in the morning!

A little extra sleep, however, is good for a little more recharge to the mama’s batteries. Embrace the sleep (if you’re one of the lucky ones to get it this Mother’s Day)!

4. Starbucks

Alas, our favorite pick-me-up! Starbucks is the guilty pleasure many of us seek in the cold or warm weather. You can get yourself a cool, refreshing beverage for the warm days ahead. Or a nice, warm, cozy drink for those cool days that are still lingering around.

**Pro tip! If you really want to get on a mama’s good list this year, bring her her favorite Starbucks IN BED! Wouldn’t that be a sight? A mama waking up to her favorite Starbucks after she was able to sleep in? Now that is BLISS!

5. Kayaking

I have to admit, this is actually one from my personal list of what I want for Mother’s Day this year. With the weather being so nice here recently, I can’t think of a better way to spend the day than kayaking in the beautiful river with my toddler while we enjoy watching the birds fly over us. (Hubby will be working on Mother’s Day, unfortunately.)

My son has been kayaking with me before and he enjoyed it! Now, with his peeking interests in the birds, planes, and every other sound out there, I imagine this kayaking adventure will be filled with even more memories together. Maybe he’ll see some fish swimming by us!

6. Massage/Facial

Massages and facials are wonderful ways for a mama to relax and unwind for a couple hours. Her only obligation during this time is to enjoy being pampered and soak in as much of the relaxation as possible. Not to sound unappreciative, but mamas are hoping for professional massages/facials for Mother’s Day instead of the massages given by their children through aggressive love!

7. Someone Else to Plan the Day

Mamas… I salute you for all the duties you do day in and day out! The duties are endless and not always recognized. Most days are spent spiraling with plans on plans on plans and little room for you to be just you. So, on Mother’s Day, it’s no wonder that some mamas mentioned that they don’t want to be responsible for making the plans for the day.

Mamas are looking for someone else to make the plans for the day. Brunch? Mama ain’t calling to make the reservations! Dinner at home? Mama ain’t cookin’! Movies? Mama ain’t looking up movie times! You tell me where to be and I’ll just be responsible for showing up!

What are you looking forward to this Mother’s Day?

Whether you are an expecting mama or a veteran mama, we all have our preferences for how we want to spend a day dedicated to us. As a mother of a toddler, I am looking forward to spending the day with the little boy who made this day possible for me!

How do you plan on spending your Mother’s Day? What is it that you really want for Mother’s Day? Let me know in the comments! I look forward to learning from more other mamas.

Always,Samantha <3

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