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How Do WFHMs Stay Grounded? Little WFHM Tips That Make A Difference

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by Samantha Flores

Working from home is no easy task as you find your day-to-day clashing with essential household chores. But working from home as a mom can be a fully different kettle of fish. WFHMs face the dual responsibility of being a parent and a professional, which can feel like you’re trying to keep all the plates spinning at once. Is it doable? This is where you can refer to the best WFHM tips.

Many moms can testify that, while challenging, it is perfectly possible to establish yourself as a WFH entrepreneur with young children. Hard work will always be part of the equation. But, while you may be ready to tackle the entrepreneur’s challenges, you might still wonder how to combine those with your role as a mother without losing your mind or your cool. 

4 Best WFHM Tips

Below, you will find a compiled list of some valuable strategies and WFHM tips to help keep those plates in the air and maintain your sanity and work-life balance. 

Create a schedule

This will be the top tip every mom needs in her life. Creating a structured schedule is a game-changer, helping you divide your time into the multiple tasks of a momtrepreneur. Ultimately, there is no denying that your kids depend on you during the day for care and love. But at the same time, your work relies on your dedication. Your schedule can help you strike a balance between these apparently conflicting roles and set clear boundaries. 

Start by establishing specific working hours during which you can fully focus on your tasks. Remember that there is no need to stick to the traditional 9-to-5 schedule. Instead, you may need to schedule professional tasks according to your mom’s agenda, which means you’ve already blocked time for parental duties. You might find it helpful, as well, to share your schedule with the rest of your family, so they know when you are available and when not to disturb you. 

Make time for lunch

As a mom juggling work and family responsibilities, it’s all too easy to neglect your own needs. Therefore, if you find yourself frequently skipping or forgetting lunch to make more time for your work or your child, it’s time to put an end to this bad habit.

This is one of the biggest WFHM tips: you need to take regular breaks, including a proper lunch break for your well-being as an individual, your productivity as a professional, and your energy as a mom. 

Firstly, lunchtime will ensure you can fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to sustain your busy day. Secondly, it is a much-needed break, both mental and physical, during which you can recharge your battery.

Now to the crucial question of managing lunch break food. You’ve got two easy options. First of all, you can prep your food in advance, so all you have to do is get your food out of the fridge. Alternatively, you can also choose quick and easy recipes for something fresh, such as making shrimp scampi or an omelet, which takes only a few minutes. 

Know what to outsource

Let’s be realistic– as a WFH mom-entrepreneur, you might feel like you’re expected to handle everything. Here’s your wake-up call: You don’t have to! In fact, you can outsource tasks that cost you a lot of time and effort. 

Depending on your business model and activities, there are many tasks you could consider outsourcing to save yourself time and headspace. Social media activities are a fantastic example. Indeed, you need to be 1000% committed to social media to grow your digital platform and reach.

Unfortunately, when you are already juggling many other activities, this may not be your priority. So, leaving it to an expert who can tell your story truthfully and in an engaging way can be a game-changer!

Automate client communication

As an entrepreneur, you understand the importance of keeping in touch with your clients. However, you don’t have to manage every part of the communication journey manually. In fact, you can automate some significant aspects of your interactions with clients to save yourself time and effort without affecting the quality of these interactions. 

Here are some ways in which you can ensure your clients get access to the right content and information without wasting your time. You can create video tutorials about your products or services, essentially guiding clients on how to use them. These could be sent to your new clients as part of the onboarding process. Alternatively, you can make them readily available on your website, creating a self-serving platform for your audience. 

Similarly, guides on how to address emerging market trends through your products or success case studies with similar clients could also be part of the automated email workflow for each new customer. 

WFHM Tips Help You Stay Grounded

Being a WFHM is a unique and fulfilling experience. But it comes with its fair share of challenges. Hopefully, these tips can help you make time in your day for your professional and parental tasks as well as for yourself without sacrificing anybody in the process.