The Four Gift Christmas Tradition: Christmas with a Toddler

Last Updated on September 5, 2024 by Samantha Flores

Christmas is a time when we give to others and find ourselves with gifts in return. This is a loving time of the year, and many want to shower their loved ones with gifts, especially our children. However, the gifts can quickly add up, which is why it’s important to incorporate the four gift Christmas tradition.

While doing a little home reorganization a couple of weekends ago, I found many of my son’s toys scattered everywhere. I decided to do a little purge and get rid of some toys, plus put other toys away in storage as a way to declutter our home.

Now that our home is a little less chaotic with toys everywhere, I started to wonder. Surely, I am going to dread any gifts that my son receives for Christmas. This led me to consider implementing the four gift Christmas tradition.

The Four Gift Christmas Tradition

The four gift Christmas tradition suggests that you buy your child(ren) something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. You can incorporate this tradition for all members of the family; not just the child(ren), if you wanted!

Following this tradition means all areas of desire and need will be met. In addition, you will be putting something fun under the tree!

Four Gift Christmas: How can you implement a new tradition into your family while instilling gratitude and humbleness? Check out this Christmas hack to find out how to save your sanity from clutter and unnecessary spending!

Why Would You Follow the Four Gift Christmas Tradition?

The four gift Christmas tradition checks a lot of boxes for my family. It helps in keeping our home less cluttered from all the toys our son could potentially receive for the holiday. Toys that will honestly lose their sparkle in a few days or weeks.

It keeps our family on a budget for the holiday season. We all know how quickly we can swipe that credit card for frivolous purchases just to add another gift under the tree.

It also shows my son that the meaning behind Christmas isn’t just about getting gifts! If anything else, this is most important to me for my son to acknowledge that happiness isn’t gained by getting a bunch of gifts.

What If Other Family Members Want to Buy Gifts for my Child?

Implementing the four gift Christmas tradition might be a little challenging for his grandparents to understand. However, I want to make sure that we stand our ground with this new tradition that we want to implement.

If we have family members who really want to shower our son for Christmas, then we will be asking for contributions towards the gifts we are getting him, or they can donate to his savings account.

There is no straight answer to this question. Ultimately, whatever gifts your child receives from others will make their way back to your home. Therefore, the attempt to declutter might not work if extra gifts are allowed.

Four Gift Christmas: How can you implement a new tradition into your family while instilling gratitude and humbleness? Check out this Christmas hack to find out how to save your sanity from clutter and unnecessary spending!

What Types of Gifts Can You Purchase Using the Four Gift Christmas Tradition?

Take a look at some ideas you can consider when sticking with the for gift Christmas tradition.

Something They Want

Since my son isn’t old enough to tell us what he wants, this gift will be something his father and I choose that we think he will like. This will most likely be some kind of entertainment item.

For older children, you can have them write their wish list or their Santa list and choose an item off that list to purchase for them. This way, you have an idea of what they are hoping for and it’s less work for you to have to try and figure it out.

Something They Need

My toddler always seems to be in need of shoes! He is growing like a weed so I anticipate he will need a new pair of shoes for Christmas.

Again, for older children, you can have them write a list of what they need, such as a backpack, a dresser for their room, a watch, or a new cover for their phone.

Something To Wear

Pajamas are so fun to get for Christmas given all the designs that are out there. I am a huge Disney fan so I will most likely be searching for a Disney pajama set for my son!

Other options include a new outfit for school or a new dress for special occasions. Of course, if your child is old enough then have them write a list of wearable items that they would desire to be waiting for them under the Christmas tree!

Something To Read

My son loves reading! He isn’t without having a library in our home. Therefore, I think he will enjoy most any book he gets for Christmas as long as it catches his attention.

Books that seem to really draw my son’s attention are pop-up books and books about trucks or animals. Luckily we can combine those engagement points into one and get him something like Pop-Up Peekaboo! Things that Go: Pop-Up Surprise Under Every Flap.

Older children might appreciate a novel or a series to read during their down time.

Four Gift Christmas: How can you implement a new tradition into your family while instilling gratitude and humbleness? Check out this Christmas hack to find out how to save your sanity from clutter and unnecessary spending!

Is Santa Incorporated?

This is up to the discretion of the parents. Right now, I don’t have experience in this area since my son is still so small.

However, I have seen others who have shared their experience with giving the four gifts PLUS a Santa gift. On the other hand, some families prefer to make the “Something They Want” gift be from Santa. Totally up to you!

What Do You Think About the Four Gift Christmas Tradition?

This seems like a new tradition that is coming about. However, I’m still considered a new parent so anything holiday related is new to me at this point.

Therefore, I want to know your thoughts! Is this a new concept to you? Have you implemented the four gift Christmas tradition in your home? What is your experience with incorporating this new tradition? Do you have any tips you would give new parents like me for implementing this tradition? Please let me know in the comments below!

Always,Samantha <3

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