The Babymoon

Last Updated on September 8, 2018 by

These last couple of weeks have been extremely busy and I’m thankful that tonight I am able to put my feet up and just write away. We spent a week in Disney World for our babymoon, took our maternity pictures, went to our prenatal appointments, and have finally settled back into our “reality.” Although it has felt like a non-stop ride, it has been a memorable couple of weeks and exactly what we needed to reconnect before baby makes his grand entrance.Before our trip to Disney World, we had a prenatal visit that ended well and sent me off with my doctor note in hand clearing me for travel. At that time, baby’s head was down and in position for delivery. However, he could technically still re-adjust at that point and reposition himself. Then came the time for the anxiety of going on the trip. This trip was planned before we became pregnant so taking a big vacation like this at 34 weeks pregnant was not exactly in the game plan, but we did it! I made sure to pack all necessary paperwork just in case a visit to the hospital was needed and made sure to pack extra clothes to prepare for the unexpected. Yes, I was basically preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best! Luckily, we did not need to utilize any of my disaster preparedness plans.Our trip to Disney World was such a blast and the tastiest trip I’ve been on! Doing Disney at 34 weeks pregnant meant that I couldn’t ride the rides I would normally go on. Instead, I treated myself to the many treats offered in the parks! I mean, I was already going to walk A LOT in Disney World so the extra calories would just burn off anyways, right?! It sounded good in theory so that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! The best part about the treats was that many of them were Halloween inspired being that it is the Halloween time at Disney. Needless to say, I was not disappointed by having to skip the rides and indulge in the treats instead! It was definitely a different experience not being able to do the things I would normally do on the trip. But, it was a fun trip nonetheless! Of course, hubby was a team player and participated in the shows, parades, and slower rides with me in addition to making sure I was fed and hydrated. How’d I get so lucky?! <3After our trip, my feet and ankles looked like sausages and that was pretty embarrassing to witness. I wore the compression socks recommended by my doctor on the flights to help with the circulation. It’s kind of scary to think how much worse they would have looked had I not worn those socks. The day after we got back from Disney World, we had another prenatal appointment. This late in pregnancy, there are check-up appointments every other week and the appointments will become weekly visits soon. At this post-trip prenatal appointment, everything checked out fine again. I did have some upper rib pain that I noticed during the trip that I brought up to my doctor. I was told that my ribs are expanding and spreading outwards to accommodate baby’s growth and there’s nothing I can really do about it. After experiencing that pain for a few days, I have decided to not sneeze or cough anymore to avoid the pain. (Right.. Let’s see how well that works out for me..)Making it back from our trip was definitely a milestone for me for this pregnancy. I felt as though I put a lot of pressure on this trip just because of it being our last trip pre-baby. Not only that, we are so close to our due date that the time crunch is for real now. Technically, he could come at any time now (we are 35 weeks and 2 days). Although, we want him to stay in as long as possible! I will admit, I still have things in our luggage that haven’t been unpacked yet from our trip, but all of baby’s laundry is done and the hospital bag is semi-packed. In my opinion, this was more important to do now just in case he decided to show up early. Fortunately, the doctor seemed to think during our most recent prenatal visit that baby is snug inside and seems content for now. At our next appointment, there will be much more testing to do to determine baby’s size, position, and discuss labor and delivery choices. Eek!!I’ve set a goal for myself for this weekend for us to get out home back in order, complete the final touches for baby’s room, and finish packing the hospital bag. At this point, we are trying to just be ready for anything to happen and would like to be as prepared as we can be. Being the control freak that I am and having the desire to plan out life, this is most definitely one thing I cannot control or plan as it’s all up to baby. The best I can do is pray we’re prepared when the time comes! Even then, I’m sure you’re never fully prepared for that day. We are anxiously awaiting our little boy’s arrival and can’t wait to finally kiss on his little face!Any suggestions for last minute to-do items to prepare for baby?Always,Samantha <3

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