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5 Ways to Spend Less Time on Your Side Hustle & More Time with Family

Last Updated on December 9, 2023 by Samantha Flores

There never quite seem to be enough hours in the day, especially when it comes to growing your small business and your family at the same time. Your business idea has gradually grown from a small concept into a fully-fledged company. However, there isn’t always enough time to do everything you need to do in a day. This is where learning how to spend less time on your side hustle is beneficial.

Whether you’re hoping to make more sales or create a better customer experience, there are so many ideas that will help you spend less time working on your side hustle. Although you’d love to dedicate more time and attention to certain aspects of your business, you don’t want to waste unnecessary time. This is especially true if you have little ones at home that depend on you.

With this in mind, consider some time-saving strategies that will help to free up more hours in your jam-packed day.

5 Tips to Spend Less Time on Your Side Hustle

Use the following tips to spend less time on your side hustle and more time with your family. You can never get back the time you lost with your family.

Automated Customer Service

When a potential customer clicks onto your website, they need to be able to navigate around it easily and find out the answers to their question. Offering a tailored, quick, and effective approach such as website chat services will save you time answering emails.

More and more businesses are opting for live chat providers as they help customers find out what they need in a speedy and professional way. They are also twice as likely to buy from you if you have a chat service on your webpage.

A FAQ Page

Instead of receiving the same email queries over and over again and having to spend valuable time replying, create an in-depth FAQ page on your website. You can collate all of the most common questions and create a go-to spot where your potential clients and customers can quickly find the answers they need.

Answering queries might not seem like a lot of time. However, if you add up all the queries and time spent, you’ll soon discover you could have used that time to read a book to your child or spent time doing other business tasks.

Informative Blog Posts

If there is a particular question that always pops up from your customers, you may want to consider writing a blog post on it. You could title your post, “How the process works.” This will give your clients a good idea of what it’s like to work with you and move forward with your services. Having informative blog posts will not only save time, but they’re also brilliant for SEO too.

Automated Emails

When you’re running a business as a busy parent, it’s important to find methods to save time, energy, and money. This is why automated emails are so popular. Instead of having to manually send out confirmation emails, and update nurture sequences, you can set them up once and never have to think about them again. Automated emails are so useful and they can help to boost your sales seamlessly.

Scheduled Social Media Posts

Instead of having to think about what to post on social media every day, batch your content and use a scheduling app. Scheduled social media posts can take a huge load off your daily task list and keep your brand visible in the online world.

With all of these ideas in mind, you will soon have more time to focus on growing your business and raising your family!