When is the right time to start a blog?

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Samantha Flores

When is the right time to start a blog? I’m sure you’ve seen dozens if not hundreds of sources telling you how to start a blog or how you can make money from blogging.

While this may all sound enticing, I think there are many out there who are still waiting for “the right time” before they jump in to finally start a blog of their own.

Why? What is holding you back from starting your own blog? Are you too busy with work? With your child(ren)? With life? Check, check, and check! Been there, done that.

From experience, the right time never comes. You’re always going to be “too busy” because of X, Y, and Z. So now is as good a time as any, right?

When is the right time to start a blog? The truth is, now more than ever is the right time for you to start your own blog and I'll tell you why!

When to start a blog

I started my own blog in August of 2017 when I was around seven months pregnant with my son. I had always liked writing so I thought this would be a good outlet for me to continue my passion and share my experiences with others. It was mainly a journal for me at this point and something I could do for some “me time.”

Flash forward a year later in August 2018, I had this vision for my blog and that was when I started taking my blogging seriously. I didn’t have many resources (aka money) to spend to start this blogging experience, so I buckled down and started doing my research to find out how I could get the most out of it.

My main drive for wanting to monetize my blog was to be able to stay home with my son and watch him grow! We don’t get these years back, Mama. I wanted to make the most of my time with him and earn something as well for our family.

I think it took about two weeks for me to finally push that button to switch my blog into the business venture and I haven’t regretted a moment of it since!

Again, now is as good a time as any to start your blog!

What can blogging offer you?

When I went into this venture, I knew next to nothing about blogging, let alone monetizing my blog. I spent countless hours on Pinterest to start researching and from there I have grown to rely on other sources for information.

When you publish a blog post, it’s not immediately on Google’s list of things to see. It takes time to drive traffic and attraction to your post and your site. Being in this blogging world, I have found several support sites for bloggers of all kinds! And within these sites, I have made remarkable connections and have partnered with numerous bloggers to support each other.

What I was really unprepared for was how many friends I would make along the way! The internet is saturated with blogs of all kinds: mom blogs, recipe blogs, fitness and health blogs, fashion blogs, gadget trending blogs, and hundreds more.

But what all these blogs have in common is the desire to want to help others. They are helping their audience with the information they are providing as well as helping other bloggers by sharing each other’s posts and giving feedback to help others succeed.

Why does this matter?

Blogging can feel like a lonely adventure sometimes because you’re constantly looking for ways to increase views and stay relevant. It is typically just you at your keyboard or on your phone typing away on your next great post and that can be lonesome. However, this doesn’t have to be something you do solo!

Through the time I have taken to connect with other bloggers and momprenuers, I have found more mommy friends who have been nothing but supportive and encouraging. During times of great difficulty in life, I have turned to these mommy friends and have been met with compassion and love. What more could I ask of a group of amazing women?!

I also ended up finding my virtual mentor through this blogging experience. She is also a mom and has a busy life raising twins. Her name is Elna Cain! She runs SEVERAL blog sites and shares her experiences with monetizing blogs and has graciously put together recipes for how to monetize blogs. One of my favorites to follow is her Ready Set Blog for Traffic recipe!

All of this matters to me; the mentors, the friendships, the encouragement, and the support. I was not seeking any of this when I started blogging, but here I am now with a kick-ass team of bloggers and momprenuers who are looking to support others!

What WON’T you get out of blogging?

There is a sort of false advertisement that I see happening a lot when it comes to blogging. Many sources will tell you that you can make all this money from blogging and while this is true for some, you WON’T get rich over night from blogging .

I’m sure you’re reading that last statement and you’re thinking, “Well, no sh*t!” But honestly, you do sort of hope for that to happen! However, blogging takes TIME. And lots of it!

While you can be a successful full-time blogger and make money, just remember that it takes time for the traffic to come to your site. It also takes a lot of work on your part to promote your brand, your posts, your site, and your expertise. Hence, the reason for making those connections with others so that you have that support!

When do you start making money blogging?

There is no straight answer to this question, so don’t get your hopes up. This can vary from blogger to blogger. I have seen some bloggers report making full incomes within months to years of blogging. Others I have seen are making some side cash within a few weeks to months of blogging.

For me, I received my first direct deposit from an affiliate source at the end of April of 2019 (for reference, that is eight months after I started taking my blog seriously). So truly, it just depends! And by no means was this deposit anywhere near a full income. But, it bought my toddler some necessities and paid a couple of other bills! Not a bad start.

How do you start a blog?

First, you need to know what you want to write about! What kind of expertise do you have? Is there something you are passionate about? What can others learn from you? Blogs can pretty much be about anything you want! But when you choose your topic or your “niche,” make sure it’s about something you want to write about. Otherwise you could find yourself losing that gusto for writing early on.

Once you have figured out what it is you want to write about, the next thing is to actually sign up and create your blog! It’s a lot less scarier than it sounds; I promise! There are many sites to choose from to create your blog with. A popular site that is chosen is WordPress.org as they power 30% of websites. They are trustworthy and very user friendly!

There are other sites out there as well such as GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, and many others. You choose which one fits your needs best!

For monetizing purposes, you will need to be self-hosted and in order to do that, you have to sign up with a site that allows for this. In my opinion, you will want to look into BlueHost as they are one of the best web hosting companies available with loads of information, tips, and resources for their users!

Why should you start a blog?

I think the better question here is, “Why not?” Is writing something you like to do? Is there something you are passionate about that you want to tell others about?

Blogging doesn’t have to be for monetizing purposes; it is literally all up to you and what you want to get out of your blog! Do you want to keep up your passion for writing? Do you need a creative outlet for some “me time”? Is an online journal something that interests you? Whatever your reason for wanting to blog in the first place, do it with that in mind!

What should you do after starting a blog?

For starters, I would suggest joining support groups. Support groups will help you learn how to better use your blog. You can honestly go onto Facebook and just search for blogging groups. Two of the Facebook groups I have found most value in are called “Mom to Momprenuer” and “Bloggers Supporting Others.

These support groups will help answer questions you might have or you can learn from others who are asking questions you might not have thought to ask. My point is to join groups so that you can start receiving that amazing support system that I was telling you about earlier and grow your network. Make those connections!

When will you start your blog?

Blogging has been such a great venture for me filled with challenges, growing pains, friendships, and increasing success. I hope you finally decide to push that button and start your blog today!

I can’t wait to hear of your success! Tell me in the comments below what your blog is so that I can check it out and leave some love on your page!

Always,Samantha <3

When is the right time to start a blog? The truth is, now more than ever is the right time for you to start your own blog and I'll tell you why!

The Momprenuers in my life!

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