Replace My Income: My Goal and Success to Working From Home

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Samantha Flores

One of the most important goals for me to meet lately was to replace my income. I have been given such a great opportunity to stay home with my son and watch him grow.

However, I still wanted to contribute financially to my family’s needs.

I’m going to be really honest; the income that I was used to bringing home was not very much to begin with. I was working as an early childhood educator, aka a daycare teacher. The salary for this industry is low to begin with.

I wasn’t making a ton of money. Add in the the expense of daycare for my son and I was bringing home close to $1,200 a month on a good month. If I had to call in sick or be absent for whatever reason, I brought home even less.

Therefore, my goal to replace my income by working from home didn’t seem impossible. I just needed to match what I was making previously.

I am happy to say that I met this goal to replace my income in May 2019 by working from home!

Replace My Income: My Goal and Success Working from Home

Choosing to Replace My Income

Whether you are looking to stay home with your child(ren) or simply want to have a career from home, you can find a way to make it work. As long as you have the drive and determination to want to make a work-from-home career work for you, you can do it!

When I made the life changing decision to quit my full time job, it was a leap of faith and scary to say the least. I had a source of income (even if it wasn’t much). I had some sort of stability. Leaving that to follow the unknown was an uneasy feeling.

At least I was guaranteed some financial compensation by working full time. However, working from home was a whole new playing field that I was certain I could tackle.

I left my job on February 28th, 2019 and replaced my income in May 2019.

How Did I Replace My Income?

There was more than one thing that I did to replace my income. To make things work for me, my family, and my goals, I had to explore a few options and consider ways to make money working from home in order to replace my income.

I ended up utilizing three methods that helped me replace my income.

1. Blogging

I am sure you have read a hundred and one times how others make money with blogging. And it’s true! You can do it. I did it and continue to do so.

While the money I made through blogging this month was not the highest source of income, it was still an income nonetheless. It also showed me what my audience is interested in. Therefore, I can now tailor my writing towards the needs of others to assist my audience in their quest for answers.

Monetizing a blog can happen in several ways. For my experience, I made money by using affiliate advertisements.

With affiliate ads, you are paid a commission based on how many people buy products through your links. Some companies also offer to pay you based on how many impressions you receive on ads that are placed on your website.

2. Freelance Writing

Another method of obtaining an income was through my freelance writing services. Freelance writing is when you write for someone else and they publish your writing on their own site or use it for their own purposes.

You can do this as a ghostwriter (your name is not associated in the published piece) or as a partnership (your name is visible on the piece). This decision would be up to you and your client.

I found my first freelance writing client in May 2019 and began writing for this client right away. Each week during May, I submitted one post totaling four posts for the month for this one client. I was paid at an agreed upon rate per post. This client is continuing to need my writing services, so I will still be writing for them.

3. Test Scoring

Have you ever wondered who scores or grades those STAAR test essays that are submitted by students at the end of each school year? Well, there is a job for that!

I found the bulk of my May 2019 income to be from test scoring through Pearson. This position was flexible for my time, which was important for me to be able to incorporate my son’s activities between my time spent scoring.

This process allowed me to schedule 4 or 8 hour shifts each day during the week. I could work as many hours as I wanted. This led me to working about 20 hours each week. I was able to schedule shifts around my son’s nap time so that I didn’t have to miss out on engaging in activities with him!

Read more about the process of getting hired and get answers to your questions about working from home with Pearson.

Work-from-home Mom Life

When I became a mom, my entire world changed. I had spent my life preparing for a career that I thought I wanted.

This mindset that you have to have an established career with at least one degree to your name was instilled in my mind and this is what I set out to accomplish.

However, the only “job” I really wanted was to be a mom. I didn’t know this until I held my baby in my arms for the first time. Up until the day I went into labor, I was still planning on returning to work after my maternity leave was up.

When I did get back into the workforce, my son was eight months old. I quickly realized I didn’t want that kind of lifestyle right now and preferred to be home with him. Thankfully, I had the support of my husband and family to make this work for us!

Back To You!

Are you looking for ways to bring in some extra money? Have you replaced your full-time income with a work-from-home career? What methods will you use to reach this goal? I’d love to hear your stories and experiences in the comments below!

Always,Samantha <3

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Replace My Income: My Goal and Success Working from Home