Reflecting on 2018

Last Updated on January 27, 2019 by

As the year draws closer and closer to the end with each passing day, I can’t help but to review how much my life and my world have changed in 2018. While choices made were difficult and emotional, I am who I am today because of this year and what I have learned the last 11 months and three weeks.

At the beginning of the year, my little family of three was living in Austin, TX. We made the tough choice to leave the city we had called home for nearly five years to move closer to family in Northern California. To this day, I still miss the Tex-Mex, HEB grocery shopping, and all the friends we made during our time there. But, it was a better choice for us to raise our newborn son closer to where we could have help from family.

Upon returning to California, my husband and I were faced with many challenges. These challenges were due to finances, stresses of being new parents, and trying to reacclimate to a place we once called home. We felt displaced and unsure of ourselves, but we kept faith that things would get better.

I left a position working as a state employee for Texas and decided to be a stay-at-home mom for some time. I became employed again at the end of August. I also had a grapple with postpartum depression that I didn’t want to admit and kept hidden for fear of being rejected by others or thought of as “less than.”

Our son had to undergo surgery at six months old and has had other illnesses that have landed us in the doctor’s office more times than we care to admit. But when he smiles through his pain and discomfort, my world pauses for just a moment as I drink in all his innocence and appreciate the love I have for him.

It has been a tough year. I think the hardest part is realizing that the friendships we had are no longer the same. But the people that want to be involved or be kept abreast of our shenanigans will make the effort. I really don’t know what happens next for us as we try to navigate each day. “One day at a time” is what I keep reminding myself.

I am thankful for the lessons we have learned this year and being able to watch our son grow up around people who love him. I hope that we are prosperous in the new year!

What are you looking forward to in the new year? How was 2018 for you? Share your stories in the comments!



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