What's a mood disorder?

It's almost Friday!

— October 10, 2024 —

Together with: NEEDED

Happy National Walk to a Park Day! If walking isn’t your thing, you’ll be happy to know that today is also National Angel Food Cake Day. The winning choice is obvious.

Today’s Quote:

“A good mom has bad days & great days & normal days & overwhelming days & perfect days & trying days & supermom days & just being a mom days & a whole lot of love & real & crazy motherhood days.”
- Rachel Marie Martin

Pumpkin patch, anyone?

Have you been to the pumpkin patch yet this month? My kids are begging to fill our home with pumpkins, but it’s still over 90 degrees outside and I’m not sure my hormones can withstand the extra sweating. But, we will see if we make it before Halloween!

Did you know?

There are currently five postpartum mood disorders as defined by the medical community.

Do you know what postpartum mood disorders are?

You might already be familiar with postpartum depression and maybe even postpartum anxiety. But those are only two of the five defined postpartum mood disorders.

Here is the current list of postpartum mood disorders:

  • Postpartum depression

  • Postpartum anxiety

  • Postpartum bipolar disorder

  • Postpartum OCD

  • Postpartum psychosis

I remember well how it felt to be lost in postpartum depression, trying to figure out what was wrong with me— every morning started with a filter of gray, even when the sun was shining. If you can imagine someone walking around with a permanent rainy cloud over their head, that was me.

I felt guilty and alone. This was my first baby and we struggled with fertility. I was supposed to be happy, right? He was our miracle and everything we wanted.

Back then, I didn’t know any of the signs or symptoms of postpartum depression. I just felt like a complete failure every day. And I was taking my husband down with me. The postpartum weeds just took over the garden of motherhood and I was lost.

If you feel like the weeds are starting to take over your postpartum garden, you should familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of all postpartum mood disorders. This will help you validate what you’ve been feeling and you can learn what to do next.

From Our Partner: NEEDED

My five-month-old has experienced her first cold this week and it has been difficult to watch her struggle through it. Of course, I’m doing everything I can to keep her comfortable and help her heal. One of the ways I am doing that is by taking the NEEDED women’s multivitamin and the prenatal vitamin to keep my nutrients up to give to her through nursing.

What’s so special about them?

  • Ingredients that work synergistically with the body

  • All ingredients are selected and dosed in partnership with leading practitioners and researchers

  • Organic, non-GMO ingredients

  • Third-party tested

  • Recommended by over 6,000 health professionals including OB-GYNs, midwives, naturopathic doctors (ND), and MDs

Radically better nutrition to help support women in all stages of life. Check out NEEDED and use code postpartumsam for up to 40% off.

A Special Note from my 5-month-old

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Mom Inspo:

Postpartum Fact:

Postpartum depression is linked to anemia and a poorly functioning thyroid. Requesting blood tests from your doctor can go a long way in helping you receive the right treatment that you need to survive PPD. Blood testing isn’t part of the 6-week postpartum checkup. Advocate for your health!

If you are struggling with postpartum depression, click here to get the PPD guide!

Postpartum Garden Top Pick:

Do you have kids that wear newborn to 5T? Great! Then this is for you:

The best bamboo pajamas for infants and children: Raising Mama

  • Thermo-regulating for peaceful sleep

  • Soft and hypoallergenic to ease fussiness

  • Ultra-stretchy for comfort

  • Moisture-wicking to keep baby dry all night

Shop new prints now to support your growing baby with Sleep-Enhancing CozyMama™ Bamboo. Use code SAM20 for your exclusive 20% discount.

Until next time!

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All the best,

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