Postpartum Hair Loss: What to Expect and How to Help

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Samantha Flores

It’s common knowledge that your body and hormone levels change when you become pregnant. However, many women don’t realize that there are hormone and body changes that occur after pregnancy. A common challenge women face after birth is postpartum hair loss.

As a mom of three, I can share first-hand how difficult it can be to come to terms with hair loss. I struggled with postpartum hair loss after all three pregnancies. But I came to realize with my third experience that it is what it is. The hair loss I was experiencing didn’t make me any less of a mom or a woman.

Hair loss of any kind can be scary. However, the good news with postpartum hair loss is that it is temporary. There is no way to prevent it. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help with this challenge.

Postpartum hair loss: What to expect

Postpartum hair loss: What to expect

What is Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is an unwelcome change in your body after birth. Discover more about what it is below.

Why does postpartum hair loss happen?

During pregnancy, the increase in hormones can lead to thickening and growth of your hair. Your hair won’t go through the same hair loss and growth routine that it normally goes through when you aren’t pregnant.

This means you are less likely to shed hair as you normally would and you will retain your hair. Because of this, your head of hair will take on a fuller look while pregnant. Pregnancy hair is typically celebrated by those who experience this growth and thickness.

After pregnancy, you will experience a decrease in hormones. This decrease eventually impacts your hair and you will begin experiencing hair loss. The hormones that were responsible for keeping your luscious locks in place have now exited from your body, causing sudden shedding of hair.

Does everyone experience postpartum hair loss?

Not everyone will experience postpartum hair loss. In fact, even if you have experienced hair loss following a previous pregnancy, it does not mean you will automatically struggle with postpartum hair loss after another pregnancy (and vice versa).

Roughly 40-50% of women will experience postpartum hair loss. Many women report experiencing signs of postpartum hair loss around four months after giving birth. However, some women experience hair loss even earlier than that.

How do I know if I am experiencing postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss can seem dramatic at the start of symptoms. You might pull globs of hair out during washing or brushing that is unusual to the shedding you normally have at other points in your life.

This hair loss happens over time, but it does happen at a quicker rate than normal shedding. Therefore, you may experience bald spots on your head where hair loss has quickly occurred.

How long can postpartum hair loss last?

Postpartum hair loss will be different for every woman. It may last longer for some than for others. However, the average time postpartum hair loss will last is roughly six months. Don’t worry! There are things you can do to help your hair during this time.

How much hair will I lose postpartum?

During postpartum hair loss, you can expect to lose about a third (1/3) of your hair. This can sound scary, especially if you are someone who already has thin or sleek-looking hair. However, the hair loss happens over time. Therefore, your hair will have time to regenerate while experiencing postpartum hair loss to help fill in those thinning areas.

6 Ways to Help Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss can be difficult to deal with. While you can’t prevent or predict if it will happen, you can do things to help with the hair loss.

Less Washing

This might sound gross to some, but less hair washing can help with postpartum hair loss. If you are someone who typically washes their hair every day, you will want to consider going a couple of days between washes instead.

When you wash your hair, you are loosening those hairs from your head much faster. Therefore, decreasing the amount of times you wash your hair each week will help keep some hair intact longer. This will also give your shower drain a break from collecting so much hair.

Use Forgiving Hair Ties

There are several types of hair ties available. As a mom of three who has experienced postpartum hair loss after all three pregnancies, I can say with confidence that looser hair ties are helpful.

For example, if I used a tight hair tie, I could see more breakage on it when I took the hair tie out. When I used a flexible spiral hair tie, I noticed less breakage. The flexible option didn’t pull on my hair as much as the tight hair tie did.

Continue Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins have all the essentials needed to grow a human within your body. Therefore, you should continue to take them after pregnancy to help with postpartum hair loss.

Prenatals are great for promoting hair growth. If you didn’t like taking your prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, you can choose to take postpartum hair loss vitamins instead.

Invest in Hair Regrowth Serum

In addition to taking vitamins, you can also invest in a hair regrowth serum. Serums can help promote hair regrowth, especially in the bald spot areas on your head. Baby hairs can be annoying, but they are better than having bald spots!

Get a Hair Cut

If you have longer hair, the hair loss can be a real challenge. Consider getting a haircut to help decrease the strands of hair that you see around your house or that clump up in your drain.

Shorter hair is easier to manage when you are facing postpartum hair loss versus long strands of hair that get caught up in vacuums and other places around your home. There are many cute short haircut styles on Pinterest if you need inspiration.


Unfortunately, you are going to have to wait it out until the postpartum hair loss stops. As someone who has experienced postpartum three times, I know it is difficult enough trying to feel like yourself again without having to worry about bald spots on your head. However, patience will be your best friend here. I say with confidence that it is temporary and you will start seeing those baby hairs filling in soon!

Postpartum hair loss: What to expect

Postpartum hair loss: What to expect

Postpartum Hair Loss is Temporary

While annoying, postpartum hair loss is a temporary challenge many women face after pregnancy. The hormones are responsible for the hair loss. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help with the hair loss that won’t cost an arm and a leg.

Remember that you have just brought a new life into the world. It is going to take time for everything to feel “normal” again. You can’t rush the process, so look for the good during the hard times.

I always tell new moms that it takes a full year to adjust after birth. Not only are you learning and growing with your sweet baby, but your body is also making adjustments that you can’t see. Give yourself grace. You are beautiful no matter how many hairs are on your head!

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