My Favorite Time of the Year

Last Updated on December 2, 2018 by

You all already know the popular saying that this time of the year is “the most wonderful time of the year.” I recently met with a friend of mine over dinner and drinks and learned that she can’t wait until the holidays are over and this made me a little sad inside. For her, this time of year brought the realization that people she loved where no longer walking the Earth and things have drastically changed for the holiday season for her family since those passings. While I understand that there are MANY people out there who can’t stand the holiday time (and I whole heartedly acknowledge how they feel), I also wanted to take the time to share why this time of year is my favorite time of the year!????

Most of my close friends and family know that I absolutely LOVE Disney! I have been to Disneyland several times in my lifetime throughout the different seasons. But none of the experiences come close to the magic that Disney offers during the Christmas season.

That being said, whenever it is the holiday season, I get the feeling of the magic that I find when I am at Disney! I love all the colorful lights, the Christmas trees, the Christmas music, the assortment of Christmas ornaments that you can find, and all the traditions that come with the season. I love that for this short amount of time of the year, we can all be kids again at heart. I think we get to escape reality a bit and believe in some magic.????

Christmas has always been about family for me; not about the presents under the tree. My favorite gift????is the sound of family members (who had traveled near and far) gathered around the kitchen table laughing together while drinking coffee and making breakfast. That sound was the sound that made me jump out of bed in the early Christmas mornings to hurry downstairs to be with them all and make memories.

The last few Christmas have been a little different as my husband and I lived over 1800 miles away from family and we were unable to meet up. But this Christmas, we are home and looking forward to celebrating this time with family and friends. This year will be a little extra special with our toddler toddling around probably throwing Christmas ornaments off the tree… but hey, at least we’ll have more memories to talk about for years to come!

FREE Christmas printable download available at the end of this post!????

Is the holiday season your favorite time of the year? Tell me your feelings of this time of year in the comments below!



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