Losing Yourself in Motherhood? 3 Tips to Get Back on Track

Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Samantha Flores

Since having your baby, do you sometimes feel as though you don’t know who you are anymore? Like you are losing yourself in motherhood? It happens to so many of us and yet it’s not something that we talk about.

You are a person independent of being a parent, but perhaps you are just a little different than you were before, and that’s okay. You can rediscover who you are, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for doing this either.

3 Tips if You Are Losing Yourself in Motherhood

Explore tips to help if you feel like you are losing yourself in motherhood.

Find Some Inspiration

First, you need to find some inspiration! It’s very rare that someone just randomly decides to make big life changes or find out who they are, it usually has some kind of trigger.

For example, it might be the fact that the new year is approaching that has got you feeling like you want to find out who you are once again. If you don’t have any at the moment and you want to find some inspiration, here are Bible verses about New Years that you might find enlightening, or you can start thinking about what you want your future to look like. 

Set Yourself Some Goals

We always recommend setting goals. You don’t want to set one goal that isn’t achievable in the near future though. It’s completely okay if you want to have an end goal. However, you also want smaller goals between now and then.

If you aren’t doing this then you are constantly going to feel discouraged when you aren’t meeting the end goal immediately. This is not productive in any way, shape, or form.

We recommend that you set a goal that you know you can achieve within a reasonable amount of time. Every time you manage to achieve a new one you will feel a sense of accomplishment. This will help you to keep pushing forward to your end goal even when things get tough.

Make Some Time For Yourself

Finally, you should ensure that you are making some time for yourself. If you want to find out who you are, you need some time to yourself to figure that out. This might be an hour every evening to try out new things, or it might be more than this if you need it.

Yes, your child is important and they are an amazing blessing, but you are a person too. You deserve to know what you do and don’t like, and if there are any hobbies that you would like to take up for your own happiness. 

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better understanding of some of the things that you can do if you are a mom who has lost herself. If you can think of anything else that you can do to help yourself get back on track to discovering this new version of yourself, then go ahead and get started on it. You’ve got this mama, we’ve all got this.