“Last Christmas, I...”

Last Updated on January 27, 2019 by

Each year, I like to reflect on the past year’s Christmas and notice how things may be similar or different for the current year. Last year’s Christmas was immensely different than this year will be. I’m thankful for some of the changes, but I’m sad about a couple of differences.????

Last Christmas, we were living in Austin, TX. At that time, we had a newborn baby boy who was filling our lives with so much joy (and sleepless nights) that we didn’t even have time to celebrate Christmas. My husband and I put up a string of lights and stockings by the fireplace and that was it! We didn’t have the time nor the energy to get a tree up and decorate it. Our families lived over 1800 miles away from us so our Christmas was very small for us as a new family of three (plus our two cats). We were abundantly blessed with life!????

This Christmas, we are living in Northern California. We now have a one year old toddler who is walking around and bumping into things. We live very close to family and we marvel at how much love we are surrounded with. We put up a Christmas tree with colorful lights and to see our son’s face when he sees the tree lit up is just pure magic!????

This Christmas, we also grieve for the recent loss of my grandmother. We remember the memories we cherished with her and look forward to holding her close to our hearts.

What differences do you find this year in your lives compared to last Christmas?

So much has happened in just a year! I am grateful to be around family again for the holidays and to begin watching the magic of Christmas through my son’s eyes. I wonder what differences we will notice next Christmas!????

What are your plans to celebrate the holidays this year? Share them with me in the comments!????



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