It's Fall!

Last Updated on September 23, 2017 by Samantha Flores

A time of year many of us anticipate: pumpkins, leaves, cooler weather (hopefully), pumpkin spice everything, colors of red, orange, and yellow, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and just overall a feeling of what the end of the year will bring us. To me, this is the start of the holiday season and I can’t help but to get excited. This weekend will be spent doing some fall cleaning and decorating our home with fall accessories! Let’s be real, I’ll probably indulge in a couple of Pinterest inspired DIY projects to make sure that the season knows it is more than welcome in my home.Fall is also a busy time of year for me with all the birthdays that are coming up. Not only do I have many friends and family to celebrate during the season, but I will also be adding a birthday to my fall list: our baby boy! This year, fall will be different for us and more exciting as we get closer to the day that he graces us with his presence. We’ll also be taking our much anticipated trip to Disney World (with doctor approval, of course) in just a couple of weeks to celebrate my mom’s birthday and the fact that this will be our last trip without baby. This season is the most exciting time for us!For us, fall brings a different view on family and friend get-togethers. In the summer, it’s usually all about the BBQs, swimming, boating, tanning, etc. Fall seems to be a much more intimate time for gatherings and feeling complete. I have had the absolute pleasure of celebrating the end of summer and beginning of fall with wonderful family friends during our baby shower last weekend! Being with so many of the friends that I have made since my husband and I moved to Texas was truly a blessing and filled my heart. I am deeply thankful for the wonderful friends who spent countless hours planning and preparing for this special day and we were blessed that so many friends came to celebrate our little bundle. Fall is the perfect time to reflect on all there is to be thankful for in life and I am so happy that my list this year is so extensive!Growing up, my family always made time to gather at my grandmother’s home and get together for our annual Thanksgiving dinner a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. Being that my family is so big, the plan was always to make sure that our family Thanksgiving dinner took place at a time where everyone could make it and not have to worry about jumping from house to house. This event was always a highlight for me growing up as it gave us all an opportunity to just relax in one another’s presence, laugh, and make memories. I’ve always said that my favorite part of this gathering was waking up the next morning to the sound of laughter that filled house and the smell of breakfast and coffee being made downstairs. For me, fall has always been a time for family.This year, I can’t help but to think how different things will be from this point on with the addition of our fall baby boy. This year will be a year of change and making our own traditions with our newest member. This year, I am thankful for all the memories that have been made and for all the people in our lives that have been a blessing to us. Fall has always been my favorite, but this year it truly is the best!Happy Fall, y’all! Always,Samantha <3

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