Inspiration to Blogmas

Last Updated on January 27, 2019 by

I fell off the blogmas wagon for a couple of days, unfortunately. My son became extremely I’ll and therefore I’ve taken a couple of days to just focus on him and trying to get him to a healthier state. I appreciate those who have reached out to ask how he is doing! He has no idea how loved he is.????

With that said, I’m happy that he seems to be doing better and I can focus a little bit of time to get back to my blogmas challenge! A question I have been asked recently is where did I get the inspiration to participate in blogmas. Let me shed a little light on that subject…

Since August, I have really taken a dive into my blog to grow it, enhance it, and monetize it. To meet those goals, I have to be dedicated to posting frequent and useful information. Some posts aren’t as useful to others and I get that. Some posts are more of a, “Can you relate with my story?” kind of post. Overall though, I really love to post engaging, helpful content for others to read and reference when they have a question about something. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have a lot of advice that you can take or leave!

Blogmas was something I had seen other people posting about through Instagram and Pinterest. It got me thinking, why not? This Christmas is such a different Christmas for me and my family being that we have a son now who is alert and can start participating in the traditions (to a point). Also, we are closer to family this year so the true meaning of Christmas is really taking our hearts.

Blogmas to me meant that I would try new things, brainstorm a little differently for each post, and write content that wasn’t my typical content. Blogmas was a way for me to branch out and explore the writer that I am.

Coming up with a list of 25 topics that I wanted to consider writing about for this challenge was not so easy. The following steps outline the process I went through to find my inspiration:

1. Pinterest

Pinterest has an abundance of information and ideas on just about anything- blogmas is no exception to this! I looked at other people’s blogmas pins to get an idea of what/how I should be thinking when getting my blogmas rolling.

2. Thinking of my traditions

Many suggestions I found were about other family’s traditions for the holiday season. They offered advice to other families on how to get through the season with less stress, spending less money, and even sharing recipes to their holiday favorites. I had to consider what kind of traditions my family had and analyze how to make the connection to my writing.

3. Writing a list

I took about a half an hour and just started listing things about the holiday season that made me happy; the lights, cookies, gifts for others, Christmas tree ornaments, hot chocolate, all of baby’s first impressions of the holiday magic, and so much more. My list consisted of nearly 40 items that made me happy about the holiday season (which only goes on to proves that this time of year is my favorite time of year)!

4. Top 25

After reviewing all the items, I narrowed down the list to condense it to my top 25 items. I even decided to branch out and create a post that involved a collaboration with other small businesses. I wanted this post to be in my top 25 because I knew this post would help me to dig deeper into things I liked and things that I wanted to try.

5. Sharing

Finally, I shared the list I had made with my readers! I even asked for opinions for others. I found that through my brainstorming and hearing from others, I had ideas that I wasn’t brave enough to try until I thought about blogmas. For some reason, blogmas made me feel like anything was possible!


I’m thankful that I took the time to delve deeper into my writing and brainstorming process! Blogmas has already opened up several channels in my brain and in my networking that in wouldn’t have been able to do had I not opened to challenging myself.

What new challenges have you come up with to help you with your goals? Share your tips with me in the comments on how to achieve them!



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