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25 Breastfeeding Hacks for Breastfeeding Moms: Tips from Real Moms

Last Updated on September 23, 2019 by

To all the breastfeeding moms out there looking for tips, tricks, and hacks into the breastfeeding life: this post is for YOU!

When I started my breastfeeding journey with my son, I did not know how difficult it was going to be. I thought the whole process was natural and therefore, my body would know what to do.

Wow! Was I ever wrong. I knew I was in for a journey with breastfeeding, but I didn’t know exactly what that entailed. However, all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into my journey with my son were worth it! My son and I completed our breastfeeding journey when he was 15 months old.

Along the journey, I found some hacks that worked for us that other moms could benefit from. In addition, I’ve come across some amazing moms who would also like to share their breastfeeding hacks for breastfeeding moms like you.

Here you will find 25 breastfeeding hacks that will include tips for new moms and newborns, breastfeeding essentials, pumping, breastfeeding multiples, boosting your supply, health tips, and encouragement.

Happy breastfeeding!

Photo by Dave Clubb on Unsplash

25 Breastfeeding Hacks, Tips, & Tricks

New Moms & Newborns

1. Five Ways to Save Your Breastfeeding Journey

From yours truly, I created a post about five ways to save your breastfeeding journey. My son and I had a rocky start to our breastfeeding journey and these methods helped me to push through the rough times and eventually led us to 15 successful months of breastfeeding!

2. The 5 Things You Must Do for Breastfeeding Success

Caitlin from Real Mom Recs shares her methods on how to be successful with breastfeeding with her post The 5 Things You Must Do for Breastfeeding Success. Learn fro Caitlin what she did to become a successful breastfeeding mom!

3. Eleven Things No One Told Me About Breastfeeding

Also from Caitlin, find out what she learned that she wished she had known before beginning her breastfeeding journey. Here are 11 Things No One Told Me About Breastfeeding.

4. Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Learn from Mallory over at Mama on Parade how she survived the newborn stage while breastfeeding! Her post on The Best Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms is sure to help you find answers to questions you might have as a newly breastfeeding mom.

5. Tips for Breastfeeding a Newborn

Toni from Becoming Schultz has graciously put together Tips for Breastfeeding a Newborn. Her tips help you understand challenges that come with the newborn stage and what you can do to help your sweet baby.

6. Breastfeeding After a C-Section

Toni makes another appearance with her post on Breastfeeding After a C-Section. With the discomfort c-section mamas have after such a major surgery, find ways to comfort through Toni’s post and tips to help you and your baby.

Photo by Dave Clubb on Unsplash

Breastfeeding Essentials

7. Non-Toxic Breastfeeding Essentials

Brooke from Simply Well Family complied a post full of Non-Toxic Breastfeeding Essentials that are sure to inspire you to keep you breastfeeding journey on a smooth, simple, and organic route.

8. Nursing Must Haves To Treat Yourself To

From Sassy Smart & Simple, Brooke has incorporated some Nursing Must Haves To Treat Yourself To that are favorites for moms to have. Check out her must-haves and find something you can treat yourself to!


9. Breast Pumping Tips

McKinzie from Today Mommy has dedicated an entire page on her blog for Breast Pumping Tips. With all the resources she has, you are sure to find some great tips for all things pumping related!

10. Pumping at Work: Ultimate Guide for the Working Mother

Mommy blogger, Alea, from Frugal Nesting has developed an entire guide to helping moms find ways to make pumping at work easier. Take a peek at her Pumping at Work: Ultimate Guide for the Working Mother.

11. Five Awesome Breast Pumping Signs for Working Moms

Need privacy while pumping at work? Check out these 5 Awesome Breast Pumping Signs for Working Moms created by Storm from Pregnant Mama Baby Life. You’re sure to get a chuckle out of them!

Breastfeeding Multiples

12. Breastfeeding Twins

Kimberly from Team Cartwright writes about her experience and tips with Breastfeeding Twins: Your Ultimate Resource Guide. It’s challenging enough to get breastfeeding down with one child; having twins is a double whammy! Find ways to make life easier while breastfeeding twins.

13. How to Tandem Nurse Like a Boss

Annie from Pancakes and Snuggles helps moms breastfeed their infants and toddlers at the same time with her post How to Tandem Nurse Like a Boss. Learn how to connect with your toddler while also adjusting to life with two under two.

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Boost Your Supply

14. How I Increased My Milk Supply Overnight

From Frugal Living, we have another awesome post! Alea shares milk supply tips with her post How I Increased My Milk Supply Overnight. Our supply can tank for various reasons throughout our breastfeeding journey. Learn ways to combat a decrease in your supply.

15. Ten Best Lactation Aids to Increase Milk Supply Quickly

Alea again for the win! Here are 10 Best Lactation Aids to Increase Milk Supply Quickly that will get you on track to producing more to meet your baby’s needs.

16. How to Increase Your Milk Supply- The EASY Way!

Many moms go through a time when they need to boost their supply whether it be an increase in demand from their baby, recovering from sickness, or a change in life. Amber from Imperfect Mommy shares her tips and tricks for how she was able to easily increase her milk supply. Here is her post on How to Increase Your Milk Supply- The EASY Way!

17. Mothers Milk Tea Review | Does it Work to Increase Breast Milk?

Stormy created another helpful and insightful post with her Mothers Milk Tea Review | Does it Work to Increase Breast Milk? Find out if you should invest in Mothers Milk to increase your supply.

Health Tips

18. Healthy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

While breastfeeding, I never realized how HUNGRY it would make me! It’s unfortunate that I didn’t have this Healthy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms post from Caitlin at Real Mom Recs. Could have saved me from that unwanted post-baby weight gain!

19. Breastfeeding and Working Out

I am guilty of wanting to hurry up and get back to my pre-baby body soon after having my son. Many moms are in the same boat! However, when breastfeeding, there are tips you should consider when working out. Review Breastfeeding and Working Out by Lina from Toned Mamas.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash


20. Ten Wonders of Breastfeeding

Mama, breastfeeding is HARD. It is okay to feel overwhelmed by it. It’s okay to search for some encouragement to get your through your journey. Find encouragement through Jaclyn from Mama in the Word in her post 10 Wonders of Breastfeeding to inspire you to keep going!

21. Breastfeeding Encouragement for First Time Moms

As a first time mom, I was truly lost in the breastfeeding game. I looked for encouragement from support groups and through friends who had experience with breastfeeding. Find your encouragement from Stormy at Pregnant Mama Baby Life with her post Breastfeeding Encouragement for First Time Moms (Cuz it ain’t easy).

Additional Hacks

22. My Baby Won’t Latch!

Many moms struggle with getting their baby’s to latch, especially during the newborn stage. Read Amber’s post from Look What Love Made on My Baby Won’t Latch! A Guide to Suck Training to find ways to help your baby latch properly for a smooth breastfeeding journey.

23. The Secret to Keeping Your Breastfed Baby Full

I heard several times throughout my breastfeeding journey that breastfed babies don’t stay as full as formula fed babies. This was discouraging to hear, especially during those sleepless nights when all I wanted was for my baby to sleep. Find The Secret to Keeping Your Breastfed Baby Full from Ana over at Mommy’s Bundle.

24. Breastfeeding Hacks/Tips

Michaela from Southern Dakota Mom shares tips to prevent and alleviate pain associated with breastfeeding in her post Breastfeeding Hacks/Tips for New Mamas. She also shares milk storage hacks and other things to remember while breastfeeding.

25. Three Successful Breastfeeding Tips for Nursing Moms

Alea from Frugal Living created a post dedicated to her experience with breastfeeding and how she saved her breastfeeding journey with these 3 Successful Breastfeeding Tips for Nursing Moms.

What Are Your Breastfeeding Hacks?

I hope you have found some inspiration and helpful tips from this post and learning from other moms! You are not alone in your breastfeeding journey!

That being said, which hacks are you most looking forward to incorporating in your breastfeeding journey? Are there any breastfeeding hacks you have used? Share your breastfeeding hacks here to help other breastfeeding moms find answers to their questions to make their breastfeeding journey successful!

Always,Samantha <3

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