Can Babies Feel Love? 5 Signs Your Baby Trusts You

Last Updated on August 16, 2024 by Samantha Flores

Being a mom is challenging. You are constantly second-guessing yourself whether you are doing the right thing by your baby such as giving them enough attention, making sure they eat well, trying to enhance their learning abilities, and more. One of the most common questions is whether babies feel love.

No matter what you do in your baby’s life, it will never be as important as ensuring they feel loved. You can sign them up for all the extracurricular activities or invest in all of the development programs out there. However, nothing is as important to your baby as the bond they have with you.

To keep your mind at ease, learn the signs they show when babies feel love. No more questioning yourself; the love you have for them is more than enough.

5 Signs Babies Feel Your Love

Although babies cannot verbally tell you that they love you or feel your love, there are other ways they use to show you. Discover five signs below that babies feel love.

Babies feel love

Eye Contact

As a newborn, your baby is working on their vision. One of the things they like to do is study the faces of the people they see often, which is you. From that time on, your baby studies your face and forms an attachment to you. Their eye contact is one sign that your baby feels your love.

This eye contact is also known as the “look of love.” Your baby gazes at you, memorizes your expressions, and bonds with you. There is no denying that when you lock eyes with your baby, they can feel love.

Be present in those moments when your baby makes eye contact. You will want to soak up the sweet moments of being this little human’s whole world. Sometimes, eye contact can say more than words.


Babies may not start smiling for the first couple of months of life. However, when they do start to give you those first sweet gummy smiles, this is another sign that babies feel love.

Some babies start to smile as early as four weeks old. All of the hard work you are doing in the early days of postpartum will quickly pay off when you get a baby smile.

As an adult, you smile at things that bring you joy and make your heart happy. The same concept applies to babies. Your baby shows you they feel love when they smile at the sight of you or when they hear your voice. These are the best sights and sounds to them.


Babies will cry to communicate their needs. Another sign that babies feel love is when they are content with you. Typically, babies cry when they need something, such as food, a diaper, or just to feel connected.

Adults tend to forget how a simple hug can make you feel better during times of distress. Babies long to be in your arms and they are content there because they feel your love. You may even be surprised to learn that you feel content holding your baby, too.

When you hold your baby close to your chest, imagine both your heart and their heart connecting and having a conversation with one another. Who wouldn’t want to experience that?


Soon, your baby will begin cooing and making noises. This is a sign that they are trying to communicate with you and this is how they “talk” to you. When babies talk to their caregivers, this is a sign that babies feel love.

Humans build connections with other humans through communication. This helps us feel like we are part of our families, communities, or groups. Babies feel connected to their caregivers and want to talk to them, even though they are far from forming actual words. “Talking” is their way of building an even stronger bond with you.


When a baby is flourishing and growing well, this is a sign that they feel loved. Babies have learned that they can trust you to meet their growing needs and they want to grow with you. This bond helps them thrive.

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Common Questions about Babies Feeling Love

Many parents wonder if their baby feels love. As a parent myself, there is nothing I want more than to know my baby feels they can count on me.

Can my baby feel that I love them?

Since we can’t exactly ask a baby if they feel that we love them, we have to rely on the way babies show they feel love. This is through eye contact, cooing, smiling, growing, and more. Even before your baby can say it, they are telling you in other ways that they feel your love.

Do babies feel love when you kiss them?

Babies don’t yet know that a kiss means love. They are too young to make that connection. However, they will learn that a kiss is a sign of affection and they will mimic your moves as they get older. In essence, they are taking notes now that they will apply later on to mean that a kiss is given to express love.

Are babies capable of feeling loved?

Babies are capable of feeling loved soon after birth. This is why the bonding period with their mother is so important during the postpartum phase as well as bonding with their father. This can be through skin-to-skin contact with both parents. Bonding also occurs through breastfeeding.

At what age do babies feel love?

Babies feel love at all ages of life as shown through the bond they have with you. They will show signs of feeling loved differently as they age and grow. Enjoy watching their signs of love change as they get older!

Babies feel love

Babies Feel Love Following Birth

Studies have shown that babies feel love soon after birth. The exact time can’t be measured as each baby is different. However, you can guarantee that your baby feels your love just by being present for them and meeting their needs. They will grow to trust you as you care for them in a loving way.

If you ever had a question about if you are doing enough for your baby, know that you are not alone. Many parents feel the same as you do. Rest assured that you are doing enough for your baby and they are feeling loved.

The first year after birth is the hardest as you learn to adjust to this new little life. The only thing you should focus on is taking things slow during this season and enjoying the bonding experience with your baby. The love you have for your baby will grow and your baby will feel it.

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Babies feel love
Babies feel love