Last Updated on October 4, 2017 by Samantha Flores

With the small anxiety attacks that have been coming along as each week comes and goes reminding me that we are that much closer to having our baby, I found that I really needed a distraction from all the preparation. I love getting ready for baby and putting things together for him, but I also noticed that the more I wrapped myself around the preparation, the more nervous and anxious I became. So, I decided to take on another aspect of a creative outlet this past weekend and I indulged in some DIY crafts!DIY inspirations are found everywhere! My most go-to place for a little inspiration is always Pinterest so that I can see what ideas are out there, who has completed these projects, and if this is actually a doable craft. I absolutely love Pinterest! I found some pretty awesome and inexpensive crafts to complete. I created some “succulent gardens” and made my own bath bombs right from home. The process in completing these crafts was so relaxing and gave me the mental break that I needed.The succulent gardens were first on my list to create as I had a specific purpose for them. I wanted to make sure that I had enough time to create and alter them if needed before sending them off to their new homes. I spent a good part of my Saturday at Lowe’s searching for the right soil and the perfect plants. As someone who has only had experience gardening in elementary school where it was a requirement in my science class to learn the process of growing plants, it’s pretty comical to me how much research I needed to do on the materials needed before even leaving my house! I even packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the trip because #prego and I didn’t know if this would be an all day affair for me. I knew the type of garden I wanted to make so all that was left was finding the cute succulent, right? Nope. There is more to this plant shopping thing than I thought (will the plant need more or less light, is it sensitive to cold, how long can it go without being watered, etc). I wanted to make sure that these little guys would survive in their new homes and their new owners would not need to worry about killing them. This needed to be a smart, thoughtful, and cute craft!After the succulent materials were bought and everything placed where I thought they should be, I decided that I will need some relaxation time both before and after our baby arrives. That got me thinking even more about what I could do at home to help me relax when I’m feeling anxious about all these life changes. So, the idea of bath bombs came to mind! The soothing scent of lavender, the fizziness of the bath, the warmth of the water… This was a must! I found a simple recipe on Pinterest and started whisking away at my bath bomb creations. Our home was smelling like a spa for a minute!These crafting projects had me inspired to create more and through more searching on Pinterest, I have found a couple more projects that I will be working on in the coming weeks! Super excited for the Halloween inspirations! I’ll have to be mindful of the time that it’ll take to complete these since we are now only eight weeks away from our due date. He’s almost here! Any DIY crafting suggestions or success stories to help me expand my creativity?Always,Samantha <3

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