Is the 6-week Postpartum Checkup Enough for New Moms?

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by Samantha Flores

One of the most mind-blowing aspects of postpartum is that new moms only get one 6-week postpartum checkup. After months of going to prenatal appointments followed by taking your infant to numerous well-baby checkups, mothers are left by the wayside. In my opinion, this one appointment for mothers is not enough; not by a long shot.

I have birthed three babies of my own: my first was in a hospital, my second was in a birthing center, and my third was in a birthing tub in my bedroom at home. After all three of these experiences, I can say with confidence that mothers who give birth in a hospital setting are grossly neglected after birth.

My son was born in a hospital setting and I only received one 6-week postpartum checkup. My oldest daughter was born in a birth center and I received four visits with my midwife after birth BEFORE my official 6-week postpartum visit. Finally, my youngest daughter was born at home and I received three visits with my midwife BEFORE my 6-week appointment.

Following my experiences and learning from other mothers, it’s easy to conclude that the 6-week visit simply isn’t enough for new moms. But since the medical field hasn’t quite yet caught on to offer more postpartum support, it’s important that you at least know what to expect during your visit and make the most of it while you are there. Discover what is typically included during a postpartum appointment.

6-week postpartum checkup

What is the 6-week Postpartum Checkup?

The 6-week postpartum checkup is an appointment that you have with your OB or midwife following the birth of your baby. The purpose of this visit is to allow your OB or midwife to check on your physical healing, as well as your emotional and mental progress. This appointment is often referred to as the “all clear” check-up.

Your healing and recovery from birth is important to assess. The reason why it is referred to as the 6-week postpartum checkup is because it takes approximately six weeks for your uterus to shrink back down to its pre-pregnancy size. In addition, it can take up to six weeks for your postpartum bleeding to stop. Therefore, six weeks is the magic number according to medical professionals.

What to Expect During the 6-week Postpartum Checkup

Before heading into your 6-week postpartum checkup, it’s a good idea to know what to expect ahead of time. Take a look at the following steps you should anticipate during your appointment. And don’t forget to grab your copy of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Depression Guide.

Physical Exam

During your appointment, you will go through a physical evaluation from your provider. Typically, this will include a blood pressure and pulse check, potentially a weigh-in, and a vaginal exam to check your uterus, perineum, vagina, and cervix. It is important to know that you have the right to decline a vaginal exam if you don’t want it.

After I had my first baby, I wasn’t given the option to decline a vagina exam at my appointment. I felt uncomfortable because I hadn’t resumed sexual activities with my husband yet. The last time I had been touched down there was when my son exited my body. It felt too soon to have anything back in that area. But my provider didn’t give me an option and I was too naive to know any better.

After having my two daughters, both midwives asked if I felt that things were back to normal down there (i.e., no more bleeding, no pain when wiping, etc.). I told them I felt fine and both midwives said they didn’t need to do a vaginal check unless I wanted it. This part of the postpartum appointment is completely up to your comfort level. You know your body best.

Postpartum Mental Health Screening

You can expect to be given a postpartum depression questionnaire. Officially, it is known as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. This questionnaire is meant to determine if you are at risk of experiencing postpartum depression (PPD).

Answering the questions honestly is the best way to help your mental health. Your provider will review the questionnaire for you and determine your score. If your answers produce a specific score, your provider will talk to you about resources and different methods of helping you cope.

Keep in mind that if you don’t want to take medications, you can ask for alternative treatment options. You have a choice; use your voice.

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Additional Testing

If any concerns come up during your physical exam, your provider may request additional testing. This doesn’t happen to every mom. However, it’s important to address any concerns should they arise. Listen to your provider’s concerns and treatment plan, and then decide how you want to move forward.

Birth Control

At your 6-week postpartum checkup, your provider will want to discuss birth control and family planning. It is important that your body gets time to rest between pregnancies. Therefore, making a plan to protect yourself from another pregnancy right away is a good idea. It is recommended to wait 18-24 months before you become pregnant again.

There is a common misconception that if you are breastfeeding, then you are protected against pregnancy. This is incorrect. Yes, you are less likely to ovulate while breastfeeding. However, there is still a chance that you can.

Your body is actually the most fertile after a pregnancy. Women can get pregnant as soon as three weeks after birth. It’s important to protect yourself.

Approval to Resume Activities

During your appointment, your provider will let you know if they believe you are ready to resume activities, such as exercise and sex. However, just because your provider says you are clear doesn’t mean you have to engage in sex or exercise right away. Your body is still doing a lot of healing during that first year following your baby’s birth, such as healing your pelvic floor, diastasis recti, and more.

In addition, your mental health is important to consider here. If you aren’t mentally ready to engage in sex at this point, you don’t have to. Keep the conversation open with your spouse or partner to let them know how you feel.

Time to Ask Questions

At the end of your appointment, you will have time to ask any questions that may have come up or that weren’t covered during your exam. This is the perfect time to talk about how you are feeling.

Many new moms don’t want to speak up for fear of being judged. Your provider is there to help you. Being honest and transparent is the best way you can get the help that you need.

6-week postpartum checkup

Common Questions New Moms Are Asking About the 6-Week Postpartum Checkup

Many new moms wonder what to expect during their 6-week postpartum checkup. Take a look at the common questions below and their answers.

Can I skip my 6-week postpartum checkup?

Technically, you can skip any appointment. However, it is highly recommended that you go to your postpartum appointment. For reasons already listed above and more, it’s important that your mental, physical, and emotional health are addressed. Taking care of yourself is the best way you can take care of your baby.

What happens to your body at 6 weeks postpartum?

The most notable milestones at six weeks postpartum are when your postpartum bleeding has stopped and your uterus has returned to its normal size. However, it took your body roughly 40 weeks to grow, sustain, and birth this beautiful baby; it will take at least that long to completely heal all the other parts of your body and mind after birth. Don’t rush it.

What should I ask at my 6-week postpartum checkup?

Questions you should consider asking during your 6-week postpartum checkup include:

  • Can I have resources for a postpartum therapist or coach?

  • Can you provide resources for lactation consultants? (If you are struggling with breastfeeding)

  • Can you provide a referral for pelvic floor therapy?

  • What supplements should I be taking now?

  • What are some support groups I can join?

Are you fully healed at 6 weeks postpartum?

The short answer is no. Six weeks only determines your postpartum bleeding and uterus size. But there is so much more that isn’t healed yet. Give yourself time to start to feel like yourself again.

It’s important to remember that things will never be the same as they were before. However, you will find your new normal and begin to feel better as time passes.

6-week postpartum checkup

The 6-week Postpartum Checkup Isn’t Enough

Many new moms are scared after birth and there is no support for them until their 6-week postpartum checkup. Even then, there are no additional checkups after the postpartum appointment. It’s hard to process this major life event in addition to healing, recovering, and trying to keep a tiny human alive, plus returning to work (if you have the unfortunate luck of living in the U.S. where paid maternity leave isn’t an option). It’s A LOT.

If you feel like you need to see your provider sooner than your six-week mark, feel free to reach out to your provider to schedule an appointment. To that same point, if you feel you need another appointment after your postpartum checkup, schedule another appointment. Your health is just as important as your baby’s health.

In the end, you will get through this foggy journey. You are already the best mother for your baby. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up! Your baby needs you to be okay. Do what is best for yourself so that you can be there for your baby.

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6-week postpartum checkup
6-week postpartum checkup