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Increase Blog Traffic for Beginners Without Posting to Your Site

Last Updated on October 15, 2020 by Samantha Flores

As a beginner blogger, I’m always researching new ways to increase blog traffic to my site. This is something that’s continually on every blogger’s mind and the are so many methods to this madness.

The trick is to find which method and technique works best for you. I took a month off from posting on my site and specifically focused on increasing my traffic, views, and engagements for my site.

While this is not generally recommended, taking time away from posting on your website and then jumping back into it has proven to give boosts as well. I found it worked for this experiment. However, it is not something I would do on a regular basis.

For this experiment specifically, I focused on other ways to increase blog traffic.

5 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic as a Beginner

Posting to a website constantly and not having anyone read your content can be discouraging. Instead, here are five techniques I used to increase blog traffic without posting to my site.

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is the second largest search engine, right below Google itself. It is referred to as “a visual search engine.” People search on Pinterest and click on pins that are visually enticing.

These pins lead viewers to other blogger’s websites. Why not take advantage of this tool and use it to promote yourself?

What I didn’t know as a beginner was that not only do I need to pin my own content, but pinning other people’s pins also prompted my blog. People are able to see who is pinning which content and they are able to check out your Pinterest profile.

Make sure you’ve made the switch to the Pinterest business account. This will allow you to claim your website and have a direct link to your site right there on the profile that others can see.

Additionally, ensure you are pinning QUALITY pins and not just random pins for the sake of just pinning.

2. Tailwind

Tailwind is a miracle worker for a busy working mom like me. I tried out Tailwind for its free 30-day trial and I ended up enrolling in one of their monthly packages.

Tailwind allows you to set up pins that will be posted during optimal viewing times on to your Pinterest account. This is perfect because I work a full time job and the optimal times that my viewers are active on Pinterest are often during the hours that I’m working.

I love that I can schedule all my pins days in advance! I often schedule for at least a week in advance so that I don’t have to worry about any of that during the week.

Pinterest also likes you to pin manually. Therefore, you should have a schedule in place to be able to pop in and manually pin at times as well.

3. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a great avenue to increase blog traffic as a beginner. With groups, you get what you put into it. The most important thing is to follow the group rules.

Some groups will post threads about blog post likes, Facebook page likes, blog comment exchange, etc. With those threads are rules to follow in order to participate. Some rules include if you post your link, you must also follow/like/comment everyone else who posted on the thread.

Another example would be if you want others to comment on your blog post, you must comment on the 10 links below your post in reciprocation. These are just some examples of how engagement groups work!

You can probably guess that your traffic would increase tremendously depending on your activity in the groups. These groups are also a great place to look for collaboration opportunities or find a blogging mentor.

4. Pinterest Group Boards

Similar to Facebook groups, Pinterest group boards help to circulate the pins you created that link back to your site. Group boards also have rules such as you must re-pin one or two pins from other members for every one of your own pins that you pin to the group board.

You can also schedule pins to be pinned on group boards utilizing Tailwind! This saves you so much time while also being an active member of the group and being within the guidelines.

To get into group boards, find boards that are relevant to your niche. Click into the ‘Collaborators’ part of the board and find out who is the admin or moderator of the board. Send them a nice message inquiring if they are accepting new contributors to their board.

5. Guest Posting

Guest posting for other sites can increase blog traffic because it puts you in front of a whole different audience. If you post onto another site, you are exposing your writing style, talent, and your blog to that site’s already established audience.

You can gain new followers or subscribers this way. I have guest posted for other blogs and have seen an increase in my analytics. Additionally, I’ve connected with these other site owners and have joined them in more collaboration opportunities.

There are Many Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

After a month of focusing hard core on my traffic, I’m happy to come back to writing content for my own site and see how much my readers missed me. I’m excited to continue learning about ways to increase blog traffic, develop new content, and collaborate with others!

Do you have a blog? What methods did you use to increase blog traffic?

Always, Samantha <3

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5 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic for Beginners