The 5-5-5 Postpartum Rule: What Is It and How to Use It

I envisioned sweet moments with my first baby immediately following his birth. I was going to give him soothing baths, rock him to sleep in my rocking chair, and take him out for walks each day. Little did I know that my recovery would require me to rest more than I thought. After having three babies, I now know the importance of following the 5-5-5 postpartum rule.

They say hindsight is 20/20. Looking back on my first postpartum experience, I wish I had taken more time to rest and heal than I did. I could have recovered faster and I wouldn’t have been so tired trying to do everything for me and my baby. At the time, I felt like I had something to prove.

Fortunately, I learned my lesson and listened to the postpartum recovery rule following my next two birth experiences, which provided more opportunities for rest. If you are preparing to welcome a baby into the world, learn how you can use the 5-5-5 postpartum rule for a great postpartum experience.

5-5-5 postpartum rule

What is the 5-5-5 Postpartum Rule?

This is the best rule you can follow immediately after giving birth. Below is a breakdown of what to expect during each phase of the postpartum recovery rule.

5 Days in the Bed

The first five days after birth are critical. These first five days are meant to be spent in bed as you rest and recover from birth. This is when your postpartum bleeding is the heaviest.

It’s important that you focus on sleeping, eating nourishing food, and bonding with your baby. Remember this phase as days 1-5 postpartum.

5 Days on the Bed

During days 6-10 postpartum, you can spend your days on the bed. Rest is still important as well as focusing on skin-to-skin contact with your baby. If you are breastfeeding, then this is still a critical time for you and your baby to continue learning together.

Five days on the bed means you are still taking time to rest, but you can sit up now on top of the covers if you wish. Be mindful not to overexert yourself. This is still a vulnerable time in your healing and recovery.

5 Days Around the Bed

Days 11-15 are the days dedicated to staying around your bed. Now, you can stand up and walk around a bit. However, limit your standing time to no more than 30 minutes. As tempting as it might be at this point, still take it easy.

Your body is doing amazing things during this healing process. But there is still potential to have a setback in your recovery if you aren’t careful. It’s normal to feel a little stir-crazy at this point. Keep in mind that your only focus right now is bonding with your baby.

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Reasons to Use the 5-5-5 Postpartum Rule

Now that you understand the 5-5-5 postpartum rule, it’s time to recognize the benefits of following it. The reasons below will help you adapt to this rule.

Helps with Healing

The top reason to follow the 5-5-5 postpartum rule is because it helps with healing. When you give your body time to rest, that’s when it can heal the best. Pushing yourself too much and too soon will only prolong your recovery.

Many postpartum women feel that if they are resting for too long, then they aren’t being productive. Believe me, rest is productive. Your body, mind, and baby will thank you for it.

Promotes Bonding

Nothing during this time matters except bonding with your baby. You have waited roughly 40 weeks to hold this sweet little life in your arms. Take this time to slow down and push pause on the chaos of life. Focus on your newborn instead.

Soak in the smells, the tiny grunts, the small hands and feet, and the warmth of their little body. The newborn stage comes with challenges, but it is the time when your baby is the smallest they will ever be. Don’t miss it.

Gives You the Chance to Rest

Rest isn’t something that is often associated with motherhood. Moms are constantly on the go, caring for little humans, and managing a household. There isn’t much room for rest in the little years. However, following the 5-5-5 postpartum rule will help give you a boost in the rest department and slowly ease you into the beautiful chaos that will soon appear.

Take the opportunity now to go slow, rest when you can, and forget about what you think you should be doing. Your body and mind need rest.

5-5-5 postartum rule

How to Use the 5-5-5 Postpartum Rule

Now that you know the 5-5-5 postpartum rule and its benefits, it’s time to use it in your postpartum recovery. Follow the steps below to have the ultimate experience using this recovery rule.

Make a Plan During Pregnancy

Just like anything else in life, it’s better to plan ahead versus trying to figure it out on a whim. While you are pregnant, start making your plan for how to implement the 5-5-5 postpartum rule. This will help immediately following the birth of your baby.

Talk to your spouse/partner and your village about how you will need help during this time. Many of your friends and family will be happy to help you while you recover. Strategize with them how they can help you while you focus on recovery and bonding.

Put a Care Box Together for Yourself

Since you will be spending much of your recovery time in bed, put together a care box for yourself. Include snacks, water, a book, a journal, and any other necessities you might need like breastfeeding supplies. Put this box next to your bed so that it is close and easy to reach.

This box is meant to help you recover. Therefore, include anything you might want that will make you happy and keep you comfortable.

Set-Up a Meal Train

A meal train is one of the best gifts a new mom could receive. Ask your friends and family to contribute to the meal train whether they make a monetary donation or they sign-up to bring you a meal. Since you will be following the 5-5-5 postpartum rule, cooking your own meals won’t be on the recovery plan.

On your meal train, you can indicate what kind of food you like and what time of day you prefer participants to bring the food to you. You can also ask that the food be dropped off on your porch so that you can focus on resting instead of entertaining people who stop by.

5-5-5 postpartum rule

Create a Cozy Space

Make this time of recovery and bonding with your baby even more special. Create a cozy space for the two (or more) of you. This includes setting up a bassinet by your bedside.

You can also set up a care box for your baby with diapers, wipes, swaddles, and a change of clothes. This will help keep you in your bed and your baby close by.

Give Yourself Permission

In our society, it’s not easy to stop and give ourselves permission to rest. This is especially true for moms who have multiple children and feel like they have to be the ones to take care of them always. As you recover, it will be especially important to give yourself permission to rest.

When your mind agrees with your body that rest is essential, that’s when you will get the full benefits of the 5-5-5 postpartum rule. If you don’t allow yourself permission, you won’t enjoy the recovery and bonding experience. That is something you will never be able to get back.

It’s Important to Follow the 5-5-5 Postpartum Rule

When your baby is born, that doesn’t automatically make you less important. Your healing and recovery should be a top priority, especially if you want to heal correctly. It can be easy to say, “I’m fine,” so that everyone will think you are okay. It’s hard to admit when you need help. This is one of those times when it is absolutely okay (and even encouraged) to ask for help while you recover.

The 5-5-5 postpartum rule is meant to be used after each birth experience. Set yourself up for success by planning to use this rule and establishing boundaries when it comes to taking on tasks too soon after delivery. Again, your body and your mind need time to recuperate from the beautiful transition you just went through.

Postpartum is a journey back to yourself. You will never be the same again, but you will be even more beautiful than you were before. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to rest. You deserve it.

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5-5-5 postpartum recovery rule
5-5-5 postpartum recovery rule